A lot of people with bad intentions, don't understand what I do. I am a recoder that records everything relative to the ZB1 (in this case). I'm part of TEAM INDEX (originally TBZ INDEX). What I did wasn't right (I know), but it shows that there is a lack that allowed me to see the Rehearsal. I'm not trying to take away from the fact that what I did was right, but yeah, i did it anyway (and no, I'm not sharing the Rehearsal file).

However, it would be interesting before going out accusing people of being "Sasaeng", "STAFF", "ZB1 Members (By faith, where did you get that I would be a STAFF or ZB1 member? lol). Just a simple search on my feed would be the basics to understand what I do, which is nothing more than recording and sharing in a RAW.

I invite everyone to stay here as I will continue recording everything from ZB1.

My Bias are HAOBIN.

I'm not from KR.

See you at KCON (?).